Pregnant women have to face the risk of
miscarriage because of cooling dishes.
Many pregnant women consider that eating
ice-cream or cold drinks is a method to slake their thirst effectively.
Although your body will be quickly lowered temperature, it is only false
effect. Moreover, it is harmful to health.

ice cream is a method to slake pregnant women’s thirst effectively; however, it
is harmful to health.
In reality, this way doesn’t have effect.
In addition, it is harmful to health of pregnant women.
1. Dyspepsia, diarrhea and bad digestion
In pregnancy, functions of pregnant women’s
body operate weaker than usual, especially digestive function. After eating ice
cream and cold drinks, blood vessels in stomach and bowel will have spasm. Fluid
in stomach will secrete and this thing makes digestive function reduce
remarkably. It will create dyspepsia and diarrhea.
2. Cough, sore throat and headache
Resistance of body reduces, so kinds of
bacteria and viruses in environment easily attack respiratory organs directly
such as nose and throat. If you eat too much ice cream and other cold drinks,
blood vessels will have spasm suddenly, blood will reduce, partial resistance
also reduces strongly. This thing gives chance bacteria and viruses in nose
cavity, mouth cavity and trachea to attack and cause coughing, raspy throat and

cold foods can make pregnant women cough and have sore throat.
3. Bad influence on the development of fetus
Eating and drinking cold drink will make
belly feel comfortable. Bowel and stomach of the mother will become unpleasant
because cold things go into her body suddenly. As a result, the fetus also has
unusual reaction.

old things will make fetus have unusual reactions.
Research of British scientists shows that
fetus is very sensitive to stimulations about temperature (too hot or too
cold). When the mother’s body is fed with too many cold foods, the fetus will
have usual reaction or they cannot develop completely. You have to abstain from
this thing absolutely. Otherwise, you will have fetal derangement and it leads
to miscarriage.