90 percentage of women told that they had
been very worried due to losing their hair a lot. People still think that
alopecia seems to be hard to treat. Actually, many women have found safe and
effective treatment based on many of valuable herbs.
The causes of hair loss
For women, losing hair is due to the
effects of chemicals used for curling, stretching, dying. Another reason is the
change of hormone after childbirth or in menopause and premenopausal period.
Moreover, another common cause of hair loss in women is a lack of minerals,
vitamins because of diet applied by women scaring fat.

women, losing hair is due to the effects of chemicals used for curling,
stretching, dying.
Besides, the polluted living environment, much
of smoke and dust, negative effect from sun, pressure from stressful and busy
life, lasting insomnia are all reasons that cause heavy hair loss.
No women have to worry about this, but the
trend of hair loss in men is even much more than in women. The main reason is
due to redundancy of a kind of chemical called Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT,
which makes hair follicles produce the thin strands of hair till they are
completely damaged. DHT makes hair be lost. It’s hard for them to grow again
and the final is bald-headed.
Prevent hair loss by herbs – safety and effect
Many people misunderstand that the methods
of hair care outside such as using expensive shampoo and conditioner, methods
of hair incubation and steam will recover hair loss. In reality, strand of hair
is only a kind of horned protein; quite have no ability of absorbing nutrients
to bring up hair. Therefore, the above solution is only temporarily and not
able to solve problem absolutely. There are many treatments for hair loss;
however, treating by chemicals or chemical products can cause a lot of
unexpected side-effects. So, using the valuable herbs is the effective and
absolutely safe method.
It is a kind of valuable and rare herb,
grows in North-west mountainous region where the weather is fresh and pure. It
is famous for miraculous effects blackening beard and hair, making skin
beautiful in addition to strengthening livers and kidneys, nourishing blood,
being laxative and detoxifying.

It had the effect of blood tonic and blood
circulation. Furthermore, it also supplements vitamin B12, helps head skin be
healthy, and prevents hair loss, white hair soon.
From the old days, black sesame is honored
with advanced food for the effect of strong body and anti-aging. It contains a
large protein content which helps hair with health. Especially, black sesame is
very rich in vitamin E, ranks the top of all food. Vitamin E has the effect of
antioxidant, improves blood circulation, and stimulates hair growth. Moreover,
black sesame also contains black pigment which helps blacken hair.
It is good for digestive system, nourishes
viscera, is helpful for semen, detoxifies and stops swelling. Using this herb
for a long time will prevent rheumatoid arthritis, make skin beautiful, blacken
hair, be comfortable, and be long-lived.
alba hassk
It helps fortify the kidneys, strengthen
bones, freshen blood, stop the bleeding, detoxify, blacken hair and stimulus
hair growth.
It helps regulate air, blood, menstruation,
the function of large intestine, eliminate pus on thin skin.
It has the effect of stopping the bleeding
and preventing body from low temperature.

glutinosa libosch
It is good for freshening body, producing
blood, freshening blood, and stopping the bleeding.
It helps hair be healthy and smooth in
addition to preventing white hair soon.
It helps stop hair loss quickly.