Sun exposure causes tanning, premature
aging and wrinkling of your skin, warns Dr. Satish Bhatia Dermatologist &
Dermatosurgeon, Dermatology Fellowship (Israel), attached to Indian Cancer
Society. Sunlight contains two forms of ultraviolet energy, UVA and UVB. Use a
sunscreen that will protect you from both. Most products are effective against
UVB, but many fail against UVA. Look for a “broad-spectrum” sunscreen;
ingredients such as avobenzone and ecamsule are good for UVA, while oxybenzone
and octocrylene add UVB protection. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide protect
against both. Many sunscreen brands contain a mix of ingredients that provides
protection against UVA and UVB.

contains two forms of ultraviolet energy, UVA and UVB. Use a sunscreen that
will protect you from both.
Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or
higher. (Brands worth trying – Avene SPF50, SunKroma Nano (SPF-50), Photoban
aqua gel if you have sensitive skin)
Apply it liberally 15 to 30 minutes before
sun exposure; the most common mistake is not forgetting to use sunscreen, but
using too little. Remember to reapply it every two hours and after you swim or
dry yourself with a towel. Even sweating can wash away protection.
The most common mistake is not forgetting
to use sunscreen, but using too little. Remember to reapply it every two hours.
Even sweating can wash away protection.
Above all, don’t let sunscreen give you a
false sense of security. The only foolproof protection is to avoid sunlight as
much as possible. Stay in the shade when you can, especially between 10 AM and
3 PM, when the sun’s rays are strongest. Try to stay away from reflective
surfaces. Wear a hat with a wide brim, pants, and long sleeves.

Try to stay away from reflective
surfaces. Wear a hat with a wide brim, pants, and long sleeves.
Stock up on Zyndet bar soap and Clotrimazole
powder, commonly known as absorb powder, to treat fungal and other infections
caused by excessive sweating. These help eliminate BO too.
An Astymin Z Forte multivitamin pill daily will
keep you glowing. Women should add folic acid.
Antioxidants like lycopene and phloretin – along
with vitamins like C and E – appear to help the skin naturally handle more sun.
Use a face wash containing an alpha hydroxyl
acid in lieu of soap. (Brands: Fash for oily skin, Cetaphil, Ethiglo). The AHA
will also exfoliate your skin leaving it looking brighter and fresh.
Got body odor? Splash Aldry lotion under your
Change underwear twice daily to avoid infection.
A Depiwhite face peel – off mask gel keeps your
face glowing.
Don’t forget your daily cleansing, toning and
moisturizing ritual.
Elbows, hands, face and neck darken the most.
Detanning creams like Melaglow, Melalite, and Eukroma cream keep these
neglected areas looking good.
Banish sweat aggravated acne with a Benzoyl
Peroxide gel 2.5%.
Lipsticks and foundations provide additional sun
protection. But use products which are tested and clinically approved like MAC
and Dermalogica.
Beat the Burn
If you slip up and do get burned, your skin
will be red, sore, and swollen. To alleviate
Apply soothing cold compresses.
Relieve inflammation and pain with aspirin and other
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, naproxen, and others) or
Drink loads of fluid, especially water; no
alcohol, which is dehydrating.
Apply an OTC 1% hydrocortisone cream liberally
on the burn.
Back home, take a cool shower, dab skin dry and
apply soothing Aloe Vera gel every 3 hours.
Get plenty of rest.
The scorching rays not only take a toll on
skin, but also on your lustrous mane. “Long-term exposure to sun and humidity
can make your hair lank or frizzy and brittle,” warns Dr. Bhatia. To prevent

exposure to sun and humidity can make your hair lank or frizzy and brittle
Wash your hair daily with a mild shampoo in
lukewarm or cold water (Brands: Xgain, Triglow, Renocia). Follow up with
conditioner. If you have dandruff use a shampoo containing Ketoconazole (2%) or
Coal Tar.
A serum tames frizz and keeps hair looking
Oil your scalp once a week.
A 2 % minoxidil solution for women (5 % for men)
arrests hair loss. Apply at night.
Green leafy vegetables, almonds, pistachios,
provide Vitamin E and zinc that help strengthen hair follicles.
Wear a scarf or a hat when you step out in the
sun to prevent your hair dye for dulling.
Apply conditioner before swimming and don a cap.
Chorine does strange things to hair color.
A once-in-a-fortnight hair repair mask reverses
some of the damage caused by the UV rays.
Reduce usage of hair dryers, hair curlers.
A monthly trim prevents split ends and also
helps get rid of damaged hair that eventually affects the hair roots.
Choose cottons, Rayons, poplins, Mul Muls,
chiffons and georgettes. These fabrics are sweat absorbent and dry out easily,
explains Mumbai based Fashion Designer Swapnil Shinde. “Even if they get
stained it’s easy to get rid of the patch which is why these fabrics work
better for summer”. Stay clear of jerseys made of lycra which cling to your
body, trap heat and, make you uncomfortable. “They even become transparent with
sweat!” A cotton- lycra mix is a better idea.
Girls: Hot colors this summer are sunny yellow,
bright orange, and pink. Pastels never go out of fashion.
Surprise – men are getting adventurous and
experimenting with bright colors like acidic pink, neon green, baby pink, sky
blue, mint, and lavender. Wear them on formal trousers/skinny jeans teamed with
a fitted blazer. If you much have prints choose small graphics.

cottons, rayons, poplins, mul muls, chiffons and georgettes. These fabrics are
sweat absorbent and dry out easily
A fitted silhouette has replaced the boxy ones
of the past.
Lengths have gotten shorter, minis, micro minis
and rompers are back, with a difference – they’re low wasters!
Buy shoes that allow your feet to breathe,
advises Kolkata based footwear designer Rohan Arora. These days even oxfords
come in a mix of leather and bright prints. Calf skin leather is light and
breathable. Sneakers are good for casual Fridays. Flip-flops, Roman gladiators
and lace ups are okay for lounging around.

shoes that allow your feet to breathe
Women are spoilt for choices – strappy sandals,
ballerinas in flats or heels, platform heels, peep–toes and
sling-backs... You can now get footwear in fabrics like khadi, cotton, matka silk
and raw silk. They come in fruity colors, red, aqua, peach, orange, light green
and bright and dull shades of pink. After all, a summer is about being bright
and quirky. Men get to choose from mehendi green, tomato red, burnt sienna,
royal blue and onion pink.
Shoes get destroyed fast in summer due to sweat,
so keep them well aired under a fan during the night, if you’ve
worn them the entire day. This will also prevent them from stinking up the
Wrong footwear can cause shoe bites /blisters
and sometimes can even do permanent damage to your foot. So, don’t be swayed by
design alone. Comfort is king.