You should pay attention following things to
keep healthy and clean your private part.

and care your vagina
For women, vagina is one of the important
parts in body. If you don’t care for and clean it correctly, it’s easy to get
diseases such as fungus andida.
1. Time for washing vagina
Some people think they need to douche
vagina as soon as they feel itching, but that shouldn’t be done any more.
Douching vagina can infect and impact on self-clean mechanism of vagina.
Moreover, that also helps to push bacterium into uterus and even causes Pelvic
Inflammatory Disease (PID).
Therefore, if your vagina smells, itches,
and vagina discharge has unusual color, you should visit doctor immediately,
not douche vagina arbitrarily by yourself. Especially douching in menstruation
is able to be the reason for forming endometrium.
2. Wear underwear at night
If your vagina is usually wet, you shouldn’t
put underwear on at night. Wearing underwear at night
while your private part is wet will decrease the air
making the vagina not be ventilated, that is a good
environment for funguses and bacterium develop.
3. Use underwear made from cotton or having a cotton layer at the
In fact, all cotton underwear is airier and
better for vagina than nylon underwear. But the one that has a cotton layer at
the bottom isn’t good for women’s private part anymore. These cotton layers are
usually covered by nylon outside which contributes to decrease air circulation
at your vagina.
4. Wear long leggings
Even when you use long leggings with cotton
material, they are not safe for your vagina. Because they also make the
vagina’s air circulation decrease and establish good condition for funguses to
create and develop.
The best way is wearing short socks
combining with a long dress. If not, you should put on knee-long socks to
ensure that your vagina always in ventilated condition absolutely.

care of your private part to protect your health.
5. Vagina discharge
Vagina discharge is normal thing, they can
change discharge flow depending on your menstruate cycle.
At the first semi cycle, the discharge
likes albumen releases a lot. At the second semi cycle, the discharge seems
thicker, sticker, and dark white (sometimes yellow). If you are applying
contraceptive methods, vagina discharge may be less.
In general, you need to pay attention your
discharge every day. That is considered as signal to warn your health
condition, especially your vagina.
6. Wash vagina with soap
Some girls are in habit of cleaning their vagina by soap when having a
bath. That should not and is not necessary because soap
cannot remove all impurities which vagina discharges.
You should only wash the hair area outside
vagina by soap. If you want to clean the vagina, you need to use warm water.
You shouldn’t use any soap, or feminine
hygiene fluid. Just simple they are not good; sometimes they can cause
stimulation, even allergic reactions for vagina.
You just need to pay a little attention;
your vagina will be healthy. You aren’t bothered by diseases any more.