You are in the second pregnancy, and after a
caesarean delivery, you really want to experience a natural birth.

can still have a vaginal delivery after caesarean.
But honestly, this is probably your brave
desire because it is quite risky for both mothers and children. Before
deciding, please refer to your risk factors and successful potential.
Type of uterine scar of previous caesarean delivery
The first thing you need to know how your
uterine incision was like in the previous cesarean delivery. There are two
types of uterine incision in caesarean surgery: top-down classic incision and
horizontal incisions. You can only know this information based on your medical
records of last delivery, incision which is on abdominal skin does not say
anything. Vertical incision in classical style - less common - significantly
increases the risk of uterine break, so if you have this type of incision,
ideally you should continue caesarean delivery. And if you do not know what
kind of your uterine scar is, you should not be reckless.
Number of cesarean delivery in advance
For example, under the guidance of the
Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada, mothers who have passed two
caesarean childbirths can have vaginal delivery in the third childbirth, but in
reality, few hospitals or health facilities accept and they often do not allow
women give birth normally after two previous caesarean deliveries.
How does birth process begin?
The traditional medicines in the birth
process is often used to stimulate uterine, hormonal gel or vaginal
suppositories, in order to soften and open cervix, and also double the risk of
break at uterine incision of previous births. That is the reason why medical
establishments often make women labor and bear naturally and fewer medical
interventions if they had previous cesarean delivery.
Natural childbirth without medical
assistance has higher ratio of smooth labor for women who had uterine scar. In
fact, if the contractions start before scheduled time, and you step on stage of
positive labor on the way to hospital, not only chance of success is higher but
the risk of uterine break is also over.

women should consider carefully before deciding to have vaginal delivery after
a caesarean birth.
The distance between two births
If time between former caesarean birth and
vaginal delivery is under 18 months, the risk of uterine break may increase.
Most health facilities are not acceptable for women giving natural birth in
this case.
The reason of previous caesarean delivery
Reason of deciding caesarean delivery in
previous birth can affect chance of success if you choose vaginal delivery in
the next childbirth, although the influence is not as big as people think. For
example, if you are specified to have caesarean because of some problem, that
problem may be repeat such as breech baby. At that time, the rate of your
vaginal childbirth’s success is decreased from 80% to 60% if you were failed in
previous vaginal childbirth and forced to give caesarean section.
Used to have vaginal delivery in advance
If you have a vaginal childbirth before,
whether before or after previous cesarean delivery, successful ability of your
natural delivery increases by 90%.
Other factors
There is evidence that women below 35 years
old or not overweight has higher successful rate of Caesarean section after
vaginal delivery. These women often carry babies having smaller estimated size.
However, estimation of fetal weight is not absolutely accurate. In addition, in
many cases, women said they had to have caesarean section because their babies
were too large to pass through the birth underground, but after that they
succeeded in giving natural birth even with bigger babies.