is a time for changing and choosing. We're not just talking about the painting
color (blue or pink) for the child's room. We are talking about rearranging the
priorities, how you will spend time, money and energy. “Re-evaluate what is the
most meaningful in your life and the obligation you can remove - for the
benefit”, said Wendy Clarke Wilcox, doctor, MPH, professor of
obstetrics/gynecology at Montefiore medical center in Bronx, NY. Here are some
points to consider:
Your relationship
can be time for mothers only, and women tend to forget their partners. “Remember
that your relationship is the foundation for your children”, said Dr of
psychologist Tina B. Tessina, author of The 10 Smartest Decisions a Woman Can
Make Before 40 (HCI). You should take time to discuss the coming roles as
parents. How will you divide the responsibilities? What is his biggest fear?
What is he waiting most? Let him know what you’re thinking and feeling. Learn
how other couples solve the 24/7 demand of life with children. “It is more
objective to consider others”, said Tessina.

. “Remember that your relationship is the
foundation for your children”
spiritual life
you are ignoring the spiritual aspect, you may want to consider it now when
you're having a baby. Spiritual life does not require you to go to church,
temple or mosque. “Take time to sit in the backyard and look at the stars on
the sky, or light a candle and take a bath while reading a great book”, Wilcox
suggested. “When your life is completely occupied by the baby, it will be
helpful to sit down and think about the bigger picture”.
Entertaining activities
at this time you are spending much free time on Facebook, shopping mall or
watching TV. When you’re waiting for the birth, it is a good opportunity to
reassess how you want to spend free time and to find healthier and more
productive activities for your family. Here are some suggestions for you to

Maybe at this time you are spending much free
time on Facebook, shopping mall or watching TV.
Hiking in
the evening: instead of
lying in front of a TV or computer when you come home from the company, let
wear your shoes and go out. Once your baby is born, let’s continue this
activity by putting the baby in the belly bag or back pack when he/she gets
older. Your child will enjoy the sights and sounds of nature (especially from 4
pm to 6 pm). In addition, your baby will learn from the movement. "Muscles
have memory, the movement feeling will help the baby to imitate this skill
later", said personal trainer Michael Sena.
Gardening: Wear gloves and wash hands afterwards to prevent
toxoplasmosis, an infection spread through soil or cat feces, which can harm
the fetus. As your child grows up, he/she will be happy with catching worms,
picking vegetables and smelling the roses scent. In addition, 30 minutes
gardening also helps burn 145 calories.
morning dancing party:
Let’s continue the activities after having breakfast and reading newspaper,
turn on some tunes and dance a little. After your baby is born, let's keep
him/her in your hand or put it in the belly bag while you dance around, so that
the baby can enjoy music and movement. You can do exercise and connect with
your baby in the same time.

It will ease the mom to let the baby listen to
Should you move to the suburbs?
pregnancy test result is positive, the first thing many future parents think is
“it is time to move to the suburbs”. But with a new family, the city could be
better. Living in a crowded city can make you feel less isolated - just step
out and there is an entertaining world of people and places for you and your
child. Many researches say the suburb is the factor contributing to obesity;
people in the city can use the foot or bicycle to go between the places. When
looking for a house, ask yourself:
Is the sidewalk wide and good?
Is there enough street lights and traffic signs
to cross the main road? How about overpass for pedestrians?
Do the drivers stop for pedestrians? For
Is speed limit beneficial to cyclists?
Are there lanes for pedestrians, cyclists?
Are there shops, works or schools within walking
distance from your home?