We all know that eggs are very nutritious
for pregnant women, but not anybody has knowledge how to eat eggs sufficiently
and safely.
Why are eggs good for pregnant women?
Eggs contain important trace element such
as potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, especially iron which is essential
for the body. People who have anemia should eat lots of eggs to absorb enough

need to be cooked well before eating.
Eggs provide considerable protein content
which has high biological value (kind of protein contains amino acids that are
similar and necessary for body). Moreover, eggs have much vitamins A, D, B6,
B12, acid folic, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and fat
especially omega 3. These nutrients are almost in yolk; egg white contains
mainly water and protein. Mineral ingredients such as vitamin, iron, calcium,
and magnesium can break down carcinogen.
Therefore, eggs contain many nutrients that
not all foods have. These nutrients are extremely good for body, especially
pregnant women.
Besides, women who are about to be pregnant
should use eggs regularly to reduce cholesterol in blood, enhance brain, and
increase ability of baby’s memory in the future. Some scientific research
indicated that eating enough eggs during pregnancy helps babies have a ruddy

contain many nutrients which not all foods have.
How much is enough?
One egg (chicken or duck) provides about 13
kinds of vitamins and minerals for body. Eggs also are rich of protein and
colin (necessary ingredient for development of baby’s brain). However, eggs
also include much cholesterol, so eating too much will not good for health.
Therefore, you should use 3-4 eggs a week
depending on cooking process that you taste the most delicious.
How to eat eggs the most safely?
boiled eggs
You should turn 2 sides of eggs regularly
when water boils, and then cook in 5-7 minutes more. If boil eggs over 10
minutes, there will be chemical reaction inside the egg. Protein of eggs has
lots of methionine (an essential amino acid). If cooked in long time, this
chemical will be decomposed to sulfide, then it combines with iron in yolk into
iron sulfide which makes you difficult to digest and many nutrients removed.
Note: many housewives usually soak boiled
eggs into cold water in order to easy for removing eggshell. However, this way
is lack of sanitation because water contains many bacteria which can intrude
into egg through eggshell. So you should use cool boiled water to soak eggs
instead of cold water.
Furthermore, to shell eggs easily, you can
put a little salt into water during boiling eggs. Salt is both antiseptic and
making eggshell shrink to shell easily.

need to be processed well before eating.
sunny side-up eggs
You should turn steadily both sides on the
pan. Use chopsticks or spoon to press lightly on yolk to know if eggs are cook
braised eggs
You also should stir eggs well in the pot
to make them cooked well. After that, close the lid, cook with small fire
within 5-7 minutes.
salted eggs
Salted eggs are ranked in foods high in
calcium; however, you should be careful when using them much. Some scientific
researches prove that producers use lime or lead to brew eggs during
processing. Pregnant women who have high blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity
should limit eggs in general and salted eggs in particular because they contain
much cholesterol.