Some fruits are very useful for pregnant
women during morning sickness!
In the first period of pregnancy, most
women have to pass through morning sickness. The most common symptoms are
nausea and vomiting. Vomiting due to sickness is usually in the morning after
getting up and meal. Here are some fruits treating morning sickness

Removing Nausea For Pregnant Women
Tamarind is medicine that helps to reduce
heat, cure vomiting due to sickness, strengthen resistance, and prevent
fatigue. Tamarind includes seeds which are covered by sour and sweet pulp. It
contains 14% acid tartaric and a little malic acid which excites taste, improve
poor appetite, fatigue due to hot weather, or nausea by pregnancy. Tamarind
contributes to rehydration, electrolyte; provides vitamins and minerals; and
cools by sour taste.

Vitamins C and B contained in tamarind help
to increase resistance and fight fatigue. Tamarind is also used to treat fever,
dermatitis, dysfunction of liver and liver enzyme; it is very good for treating
laxative, pain or burning on urination, urine with residue of acid uric and
According to Oriental Medicine, tamarind
tastes sour, has cool temper that reduce heat, refresh body, and enhance
ingestion. To prevent nausea and vomiting during the first period of pregnancy,
you can use 30 grams peeled tamarind, cook them with 300 ml water to have 200
ml, and then get rid of tamarind. Add 10 grams sugar and mix well. Drink the
mixture three times a day, and during a few day in a row.
Fresh lemon
Sipping a glass of water with some pieces
of fresh lemon is an effective way to prevent nausea; even when you vomit, let
smell fresh lemon. Slices of lemon will help you feel easy during morning
Pregnant women can apply remedy curing
morning sickness as following: Use 500g of peeled and seeded fresh lemon, cut
into slices, mix them with sugar or honey, and keep mixture in about one day,
after that cook in small fire until dry, cool and add a little sugar. Put all
in a glass bottle; eat 1-2 spoons of mixture when feeling nausea.

Grapes are sweet, neutral temper, good for
blood and bone, diuretic, laxative, and good for digestion. Moreover, grapes
also help women reduce morning sickness during pregnancy.
Treating morning sickness for pregnant
women by cooking 30gr dry grapes, 10gr herb roof with water; use this mixture
twice a day. Pregnant women should drink it in three days continuously to gain
the best effect.

Grape fruit
Morning sickness is the hardest period of
pregnant women. To remove uncomfortable feeling caused by sickness, you can use
peel of grape fruit. Wash 15g grape fruit peel, put them into pot with 300ml
water, boil them to have 150ml liquid, and divide to drink three times a day
before meal about 20 minutes. You need to use them in 3-5 days to get effect.
Moreover, another remedy to cure nausea due
to morning sickness from grape fruit peel is: use 5-8 grape fruits, get rid of
peel and seeds, boil juice with 500g honey, 100g sugar, and 10ml ginger juice
to have gelatinous form, and then put them into glass bottle. Mix a spoon of
mixture with boil water for each time of using, drink twice a day.

Avocado is rich in potassium which helps
fetus grow quickly, muscle strong, and complete nervous system (avocado has
higher folate than other fruits). Vitamin B6 also strengthens resistance,
encourages metabolism, and supports to produce red blood cells. Pregnant women
should consume about 600-800 mcg folate per day to prevent defects of neural
tube and backbone of fetus. Besides, vitamin B6 in avocado has effect on
reducing nausea during pregnancy of women.
Therefore, during pregnancy, at least in
the first three months, women should choose avocado as food to decrease morning
sickness. Depending on interests, you can process avocado to many different

Banana contains many kinds of vitamin such
as A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, and minerals as potassium, magnesium, iron,
phosphorus, and iodine. Therefore, banana provides mothers and babies a plentiful
source of nutriments and vitamins. As a result, besides helping pregnant women
reduce stress, prevent cramps, strengthen blood, stabilize blood pressure, and
be laxative, banana also supports them to cure morning sickness.

Eating banana will reduce uncomfortable
symptoms such as heartburn and nausea because banana can decrease acid in
stomach. Pregnant women can eat banana in whole fruit or make banana smoothies
depending on their interests.