Most pregnant women have common concern
about diet, safety... of the fetus during pregnancy.
1. Morning sickness can make baby hungry
Morning sickness makes you feel bad because
not only you do not have nutrients but your baby is also stunted, sickly.
Fortunately, that's what most pregnant women have to go through, and no matter
what, your body will provide enough nutrients and protect baby. Moreover,
morning sickness doesn’t last too long.
If you feel really tired, losing weight too
much because of morning sickness, you should go to see doctor for examination.

sickness makes you feel bad because not only you do not have nutrients but your
baby is also stunted, sickly.
2. Afraid of chicken-pox
During pregnancy, women have weak
resistance, so if there is someone around having chicken-pox, pregnant women
are easy to catch it. And fetus is infected easily, even when it is in mother womb.
Natural risk that you have chickenpox is
very small, and if doubting, you can see doctor immediately for blood tests and
use antiviral medicine to prevent for your baby.
3. Exercising is dangerous
It is not true. Exercising during pregnancy
is suitable and keeps healthy, help pregnant women have strength pass this
period and afterbirth.
But you should not exercise too hard, take
the exercises gently and listen to your body to know when to stop and when to
practice slowly. Swimming, walking, and doing yoga are ideal exercises during

during pregnancy helps pregnant women have strength to pass this period.
4. Going by plane will affect fetus
If you have to travel or go far by plane,
you should go at 4-6 months of pregnancy. Many airlines do not allow 27-week
pregnant women on plane to make sure or if you want to go, you must be
certified by doctor.
Flying of course does not affect fetus, but
the pressure changes easily cause danger to it.
5. Lower abdominal pain means you are about to lose baby?
Absolutely not, most women have lower
abdominal pain during pregnancy - especially in the first pregnancy. This is
very normal phenomenon. The pain is caused by stretched ligaments in uterus.
6. Alcohol harms to fetus
Many of us occasionally when going out,
partying with friends, also want to drink a bit of wine, beer despite of
pregnancy. But drinking too much during pregnancy will seriously affect the
Especially at the early months of
pregnancy, drinking alcohol makes a higher risk of miscarriage.
When you know that you are pregnant, try to
avoid alcohol completely, especially the first 3 months, because this is the
stage baby is easiest to be hurt.

you know that you are pregnant, try to avoid alcohol completely, especially the
first 3 months, because this is the stage baby is easiest to be hurt.
7. Small belly means baby doesn’t develop properly?
The size of your belly should not be
equated with the baby’s size. If it is your first pregnancy, and you are
healthy, do not worry about belly size.
Baby is usually at behind or above your
uterus, so you don’t have to worry if your belly is not big.

size of your belly should not be equated with your baby's size.
8. I have much vaginal discharge
Most pregnant women have much vaginal
discharge, this does not mean your vagina is infected and it also does not
affect the baby.
Colorless, odorless and more vaginal
discharge than usual are because of hormone changing during pregnancy. To
prevent infection, you should clean frequently.
9. I do not feel the baby move
It may be time the baby relax and sleep, so
do not worry if you do not feel your baby move.
Many mothers often lose their mind when
baby doesn’t move and immediately go to see doctor. Usually, at the 20th
week, baby kicks about 10 times/12 hours. But there are times when he is awake,
when he is sleeping, you can use your hand to put on abdomen gently for a
while, and you will feel him move.
10. Afraid
of having premature birth
At about the 36th week, you
usually see your abdomen swelling, but this is not a sign of premature birth –
it is just practice contractions to prepare for labor time.
Just relax and enjoy the last stage before
official labor.