
From the last 3 months of pregnancy, future mothers should not practice strong physical fitness. But how to strengthen the back muscles?

Warm up

Before practicing, walk around the room for a few minutes and do 2-3 breathing movements.


Stand up straight, breathe in. Upward, stretch whole spinal column. While breathing out, slowly bend your back, put shoulder inward, arms toward the knees, and slide slowly on the thigh. Lower your head, chin leans on chest.

Try to bend forward as much as possible, continue hand downwards. Bend the chest part of spinal column, put shoulder up. Then breathe in, slowly straighten back, straight back. Stretch your spinal column slowly, put head and neck to initial position. Stand up straight, breathe in and breathe out several times. Do this exercise for 3-4 times.

Exercise to relieve backache for pregnant women

Exercise to relieve backache for pregnant women


Crawl on your heels, lean by knees and elbows. Put shoulders down to let pelvis higher. Put your head on arms. You can use a pillow, and then put hands forward or along the body.

Turn your head on 1 side or lean the forehead. Pelvis and thighs should lie on a line which is perpendicular to the floor. Relax the entire upper body. Take a look on your back: the back is not bent. Keep breathing steadily. This exercise lasts 1-2 minutes.

Note: "mountain" exercise should not be done after the 34-35th weeks of pregnancy.

Good cat / bad cat

Crawl on your heels, lean on knees and hands. Put your head down and relax your neck. When breathing in, bend your hip and chest as much as possible.

Raise your head a little and look up. Do not press your shoulders, in contrast, spread them. Always direct your belly toward the floor. Breathe out, return to initial position.

Stretch your muscles

Sit on the floor, lean back against the wall, fold legs and open thighs. Put hands free on thighs. Try to link the two feet together. But do not let your thighs touch the floor. You can put pillows under the knees.

Close your eyes when performing is the best, relax the entire facial muscles, neck and shoulders. Breathe in, look upwards, stretch spinal column and slightly bend at waist. Hold your breath for a few seconds.

Breathe out, relax all the muscles, slightly bend your back, and sag shoulders. This position increases the flexibility of the joints, stretch back muscles and increase blood circulation in pelvic area.

As your baby grows the abdominal muscles stretch, the back muscles become tighter and more dominant and the shape of your spine changes to accommodate for the weight gain.

As your baby grows the abdominal muscles stretch, the back muscles become tighter and more dominant and the shape of your spine changes to accommodate for the weight gain.

Stretch chest and shoulder muscles

Down on your knees, face to the wall, open thighs, lean on calf of legs, knees directly to 2 sides, and let 2 feet face each other. Lower your pelvis, and let your buttocks lean on heels.

Put up your hands, against the wall. The distance between the hands is 5-30 cm. Breathe in slowly. Breathe out, bend the waist and chest part of spinal column slightly.

Try to lean your shoulders against the wall, and slide hands a little higher. Lower your chest. Breathe out slowly. Keep yourself in this position for about 1-2 minutes.

Feel how your neck, shoulder and waist muscles relax and stretch. This exercise relieves pain at waist, help breathing and heart beating be normal again, practice chest muscle.

Exercising frequently helps pregnant women relieve backache.

Exercising frequently helps pregnant women relieve backache.

Relax your neck

Sit on the floor, and put a pillow under your buttocks. Fold your knees, cross two calves of leg. Put hands on thighs. To be more convenient and comfortable, put a pillow under each knee.

Relax muscles at pelvic area and those at shoulder and hand area. Slowly, not pulling, rotate your head to the right, then to the left. Do not nod the head strongly. Keep your back straight, but do not stress. Do it 5-6 times on each side.


Sit on the floor, try to open your legs as much as possible, knees straight. Lean your hands on thighs. Do not sag your shoulders. Breathe in, breathe out, turn body to the right and look over the right shoulder. Keep your spinal column stretch.

Press your hands on thighs slightly. Hold for several seconds. Return to the center, relax your back. Repeat and turn body to the left.

Relax the whole body

Lie on your side on hard surface, curl up. Lean your thighs on abdomen as much as possible. Fold legs. Chin lean to chest closely. Put your right hand under head, left hand hold calf of legs. Curl up your back, and relax your neck.

Do not hold your breath, but breathe calmly. Hold this position for 5-7 minutes. Then move to the other side.

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