During pregnancy, the feeling of flatulence
and constipation always occur that makes pregnant women tired and difficult to
absorb foods.

balanced diet decreases constipation.
Mixed vitamin including avocado, banana and kiwi is a
solution for pregnant women to reduce uncomfortable feeling.
1 ripe avocado
½ banana
1 kiwi
1 bottle of yogurt
1 – 2 spoons of sugar
Divide avocado into halves, put out seed
and scrape flesh of it. Peel banana, cut into small pieces. Remove peel and
core of kiwi.
Put avocado, banana, kiwi, sugar, yogurt,
and a little cooled boiled water in blender. Level of water depends on your
preference; you can put more or less water to get an expected cup of vitamin.
Blend all until getting condensed mild blue
Pour the vitamin into glass and enjoy
immediately after processing.

is common symptom in pregnancy.
The use of vitamin for pregnant women
Vitamin with blending of three fruits -
avocado, banana and kiwi - creates a nutty and different taste. Three fruits
have great use for pregnant women’s health and especially good for digestive
Avocado is suggested as a companion of
pregnant women during 9 months and 10 days. With greasy taste, quite easy to
eat, avocado contains much folate – a vitamin is useful for preventing defects
of baby. According to nutritional experts, pregnant women should consume about
600-800mcg daily folate per day to prevent defects of neural tube and spine of
babies. This is the way to supplement vitamin into body the most safely.
Besides, banana also includes many vitamins as A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E and
minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, and so on. Plentiful
amount of potassium in banana can protect from cramps and remain stable blood
pressure for pregnant women. Eating avocado and banana stimulates production of
red corpuscle in blood, supplements iron in order to limit anemia of women
during pregnancy.
A strange combination in this vitamin is
presence of kiwi. With attractive color and aroma, kiwi is named as king of
fruits because it is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and folic acid which are
good for pregnant women. Just two kiwis, you can be provided one third required
energy of one day. However, this is cold fruit so you should pay attention not
to eat too much. Besides, kiwi has rich vitamin C that helps your skin more
beautiful even you are in pregnancy.

with blending of three fruits - avocado, banana and kiwi - creates a nutty and
different taste.
The highlight effect of vitamin combined by
three above fruits is good for digestive system, decreasing vomit symptom, and
preventing pregnant women from constipation. In pregnancy, you are easy to be
suffered from constipation by effect of the baby on your digestive system and
get increase of progesterone concentrations. Banana is helpful in reducing
level of acid in stomach that helps pregnant women remove uncomfortable feeling
in the morning such as heartburn and belch. Because banana is rich in fiber, it
has effect of laxative, and prevents constipation. Each of the kiwis contains
about 45 calories, 1/3 of which is pectin - this is a substance helping
laxative and preventing from constipation. Therefore, when eating kiwi, your
body will rapidly excrete toxins and are treated constipation. Moreover,
avocado has plentiful vitamin B6, which is effective on reducing symptom of
nausea of pregnant women.
The combination of three fruits makes vitamin
have attractive favor and extremely nutritious. You do not need to spend too
much time processing. This food helps pregnant women have better digestive
system and healthy pregnancy.