Drinking enough water during pregnancy will
bring many benefits that you cannot forecast.
Drinking water brings many benefits for
everyone, especially for pregnant women. Pregnant women are suggested to drink
2-2.5 liters of water every day (equal to 8 glasses of water). Besides fresh
water, drinking fruit juice, vegetable juice is also good for pregnant women.

brings many benefits for pregnant women.
Here are great uses of water for pregnant
Water helps to provide nutrients to fetuses
Have you ever wondered how nutrients that
you absorb every day into the body can come to babies? The answer is thanks to
water. Water creates condition of absorbing necessary nutrients to cells, as
well as transporting vitamins, trace elements, minerals, and hormones to blood
cells. Nutrients in blood cells will be sent to placenta to nourish babies. All
activities are supported by water.
Water assists to operate digestive system
Not only does water help to provide nutrients
for body and send them to fetuses, but it also assists to operate digestive
system, excrete scum in your body. Drinking enough water will help your
urination and defecation be more convenient and follow scientific process.
Drinking enough water during pregnancy also help women prevent risk of urinary
tract infection – a common disease in pregnancy.

helps women prevent risk of urinary tract infection.
Water makes body be comfortable
Water makes cooling system in your body
operate effectively and distribute redundant heat (in form of sweat). This
benefit decreases risk of headache during pregnancy.
Good for skin
Do you know when the skin trends to worsen during pregnancy,
water is savior? Drinking sufficient water will improve pigmentation, and reduce
the risk of itch, stretch marks, dry, and acnes in pregnant period. Water also
helps woman’s skin smoother, so do not refuse a glass of water any time in day.
Water decreases
risk of edema
Edema is common disease in pregnancy. Many
women said that drinking much water makes the condition of disease more
serious, but in fact, that is contrary. Drinking lots water support body to
eliminate all toxicant out of the body, avoid creating edema on limbs.
Furthermore, it is necessary to avoid drinking kinds of water containing
caffeine and alcohol.
Scientific timetable for drinking water in day
You need to note that do not wait to be
thirsty to drink water, but you should drink according to schedule as below:
6:30am – 7:00am: After
sleeping, your body really needs water. Drink a glass of 250 ml water right
after getting up on order to filter cleanly liver and kidneys. Do not rush to
have breakfast at least half an hour after drinking water. Let water be absorbed
into each cell in your body.
– 9:00am: Moving
to the office every morning will probably bring you lots of stress and cause
dehydration for your body. Take a glass of water at office to get refreshment
of your body back to begin a new working day.
11:00am: After a few hours
of working in closed room, heat from machines in office and stuffed air will
dry your skin. Drink water to motorize your body and reduce stress of work.
1:00pm: Drinking water
after lunch is not only good for digestion, but also helps you keep in well
3:00pm – 4:00pm: In the
afternoon, many people feel asleep and cannot concentrate on work. Stand up and
drink a glass of water will help you retrieve balance.
A glass of water before leaving office will help you reduce feeling of hunger
and fatigue. That is especially good for dieters in the evening.
9:00pm – 10:00pm: Drinking water
from half an hour to one hour in advance sleeping will prevent risk of blood

women should divide time for drinking water reasonably.