It takes only one piece of gear
(hint, hint) to erase every bulge.
Believe the hype
Trainers swear by it, your colleagues rave
about it and the TRX classes at your gym are always packed. Suspension training
is officially a fitness craze, and for good reason: it's super-effective, it
offers hundreds of exercise options and, because the gear is portable, you can
do it anywhere. To help you put the TRX to use, we asked Jay Cardiello, SHAPE's
fitness editor-at-large, to share his favourite moves. These exercises work
your upper and lower body from multiple angles, targeting every muscle and
replicating how you move in real life. That means you won't just get slimmer
and stronger all over - you'll also perform better and be less prone to injury.
Plus, because you'll need to maintain balance (the straps are wobbly), each
move works your core and even your smaller stabilising muscles. Trust us: it
won't be long before you're obsessed with the TRX too.

the TRX classes
How it works. Try this workout three times
a week. If you've never used a TRX, do two sets of each move for 30 seconds in
order, moving at a slow, controlled pace. Familiar with the device? Perform
three sets.
You will need: A TRX suspension trainer
($200;, which can be found in most gyms, or
a similar training system.
Works chest, arms and core

up to return to starting position
Stand facing away from the TRX with feet
shoulder-width apart. Hold handles at chest height in front of you, arms
extended and palms facing the floor. With body aligned from head to heels,
shift weight to balls of feet and bend elbows [shown]. Push up to return to
starting position.
Inverted Row
Works back, biceps and core

face-up under the TRX with knees bent and feet on floor
Lie face-up under the TRX with knees bent
and feet on floor. Hold the handles over your chest, arms extended and palms
facing each other [A]. Bend elbows, pulling torso up until your body is aligned
from shoulders to knees [B]. Extend arms to starting position.
Triceps Extension
Works triceps and core

your arms, then bend elbows to return to starting position.
Stand facing away from the TRX with feet
hip-width apart. Lean forward and grasp handles in front of your face, elbows
bent 90 degrees and palms facing away from you [shown]. Extend your arms, then
bend elbows to return to starting position.
High Curt
Works biceps and core

facing the TRX with feet hip-width apart. Hold handles at chest height in front
of you, arms extended and palms facing up, and lean back.
Stand facing the TRX with feet hip-width
apart. Hold handles at chest height in front of you, arms extended and palms
facing up, and lean back. Bend your elbows, curling hands toward your head
[shown]. Return to starting position.