Works butt, legs and core

facing away from the TRX with left foot on both foot cradles and hands on hips.
(Legs should be extended.)
Stand facing away from the TRX with left
foot on both foot cradles and hands on hips. (Legs should be extended.) Bend
knees until right thigh is parallel to the floor [shown]; rise up to starting
position. Switch legs to complete set.
Hook it up: Want to use a TRX at home or outdoors?
You need a level, two to three metre square space and a sturdy anchor point
that's two to three metres from the floor (A beam, railing, fence or tree
branch willvvork)
Knee Drive
Works butt, legs and core

facing the TRX and hold handles high in front of you, palms facing each other.
Stand facing the TRX and hold handles high
in front of you, palms facing each other. Bend left knee 90 degrees, shifting
weight to right leg. Bend right knee [A]. Rise up onto ball of right foot as
you lift left knee to hip height in front of you and bend elbows, pulling
handles towards chest [B]. Return to starting position. Switch sides to
complete set.
Hamstring Pull-In
Works butt and core

face-up with your heels in the TRX's foot cradles, legs extended and arms straight
out to sides in a "T", palms on the floor.
Lie face-up with your heels in the TRX's
foot cradles, legs extended and arms straight out to sides in a "T",
palms on the floor. Lift hips so body is aligned from shoulders to heels [A].
Bend knees, pulling handles toward you [B]. Extend legs to starting position.
What is Suspension Training?
If there's no TRX at your local gym why
not think about setting one up at home?
The TRX Suspension Training system was
designed by a US Navy Seal who was looking for a total-body strength workout
when he was stationed away from his home and gym. The Seal grabbed two
parachute straps and TRX was born.
This sort of workout is highly portable and
using your own body weight as resistance it can replace a number of weight machines
at the gym, which makes it cost effective too. For more information visit

takes only one piece of gear (hint, hint) to erase every bulge
Find you get better results in a group
environment than on your own?
The good news is that TRX classes are
gaining in popularity and many gyms are adding them to their group fitness
class roster.
In Sydney check out Cook and Phillip
Aquatic and Fitness Centre ( cookandphillip). The gym
offers four TRX classes a week.
The Tough Spot in Brisbane
( runs TRX classes for beginners and there are usually no
more than eight people in a class.
In Melbourne, Re-Creation Health Clubs
offer TRX classes at a number of inner-city locations and they offer a 14 day
trial pass for just $10 (
In Adelaide Fitness Habitat in Felixstow
( has two TRX classes a week.
In Perth, check out Motivate Me Outdoor
Training ( They run group TRX classes on Monday evenings in