If you are worrying about early delivery, be
confident, because most of babies delivered after 35 weeks are healthy.

35-week fetus is as big as a coconut.
General development
35-week-old fetuses, because the height and
weight rocket in the womb, have no more space to scroll and somersault but they
still remain kicks. At this time, the kidney is quite completely develops and
the liver can filter the waste; body of the fetus is quite perfect now. From
the 35th week, the baby mainly gains weight.
If you have never talked to your baby,
please do not hesitate at this moment. At the 35th week, the hearing
ability develops fully. Some proofs prove that newborn will be sensitive to
high-pitch sound.
Don’t be so anxious about early delivery,
because 99% babies delivered after the 35th week are healthy and
don’t encounter any serious problems. Although the central nerve system is
still completing, but the lung develops fully, being ready for breathing air
instead of staying in the amnion liquor.
Fetus size
This week, fetus weighs about 2.4-2.5 kg
and the height measured from head to heel is estimated 44-45 cm (head to bottom
is about 32-33 cm).

weighs about 2.4-2.5 kg.
Mother symptoms
Being pregnant at this time, mother will
feel like urinating constantly because the pressure that the fetus cause upon
the vesica.
Constipation is a common phenomenon so
pregnant women should supplement fiber.
Pain throughout will make the pregnant
women sleepless or find it hard to get a sound sleep.
Spasm appears more often.
What you need to do
Go to the doctor regularly. From now on,
check your health once a week.
Test the HSS immediately.
Keep track on your symptoms because you can
deliver at any time, especially who have the first delivery.
What you should do
This is the ideal time for you to register
a pre-delivery class. You should register to have best information about
delivery such as signals, or when you should go to hospital, or how to
cooperate with doctors. Information about baby care, especially practical
issues are here.
Plan on delivery details and save numbers
of your husband, doctors, hospitals, nurses, etc. in case you have sudden