Mother’s health will decide healthiness and intelligence of baby.
Check health periodically
When you decide that you will become mother, you need to
know that whether your body is ready to undertake this hard duty or not. In
pregnancy, body is easily infected, especially infection of urinary and

Before deciding to
be mother, women should go to check health to eliminate the risk of infection
about urinary system.
This organ catches Candida fungus and bacterias fecales
bacterium. In previous years, experts in obstetrics disregarded these
inflammations. They only considered that it made pregnant women feel
unpleasant, but they didn’t think that it would affect fetus. However,
recently, many researches have shown that inflammations that are paid attention
to can be the reason causing inhibition to the normal development of fetus,
miscarriage, premature birth, mother’s nephritic…
Consequently, in the last 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant
women need to carry out experiments on vagina fluid. In the case that you
detect B streptococcus, you have to be treated quickly.
To avoid the case that vagina contaminates bacteria, you can
use productions that contain kinds of microbiology such as Lactobacillus
rhamnosus GR-1, Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 and lactic acid - factors that have
effect to add, intensify and protect microorganism settle in genital system of
women. Besides, kinds of microbiology have effect maintain suitable pH in
genital system, prevent penetration and development of many kinds of fungus and
bacteria that cause disease.
Before you decide to be pregnant and during pregnancy, you
need to be carried out some experiments such as:
Experiment to check
blood group and Rherus element
Due to this experiment, you can know blood has positive
Rherus (RH+) and negative Rherus (RH-) because both of kinds of blood aren’t
compatible. If blood of pregnant women is RH, but fetus has RH+ blood, maybe the
mother’s body will produce antibodies to prevent RH+ blood cell.
That thing affects fetus in the next period of pregnancy. By
knowing blood group of the mother, doctors can reduce the risk about
complications to fetus.
Experiment to define
measles (Rubella)
If result of blood experiment shows that mothers don’t have
immune ability, they should avoid contacting with people that have measles
because it can be harmful to fetus.
Other diseases
Carry out experiment about blood to know that you have hepatitis
B and syphilis or not because both of diseases are harmful to fetus. If
necessary, you can suggest making experiment about HIV/AIDS.
Check concentration of
albumin in urine
The phenomenon can be sign of infection, if it has some
other symptoms such as edema or high blood pressure that is manifestation of
prenatal phenomenon. This disease can be dangerous for both mothers and babies.
Check the content of
sugar in urine
This is element that can prove symptom of pregnant
diabetes. This disease can affect health of both mother and fetus. However,
mothers can adjust the content of sugar with nutritious diet and exercising
Provide vitamins and minerals
The demand of pregnant women is for both mothers and
fetuses. Therefore, you need to provide a suitable amount of calcium, Fe, zinc
and magnesium, vitamins of group B. According to some researches of American,
women that are provided with suitable intake of vitamins and synthetic minerals
will have better health, especially babies that are born are also healthier.
You can provide vitamins and synthetic minerals from the beginning day of being
pregnant until giving birth. You can also provide before the day of being
pregnant about 3 months and you end when you stop sucking babies.
To mothers, lacking in vitamins and minerals will be harmful
to health. But overdose will be negative. In pregnancy, you should avoid use
overdose of sodium that causes high blood pressure, phosphorus can weaken
absorption of many kinds of nutrients and vitamin A.
Nutritious diet that has enough substance and is suitable
Nutritious diet that is used for pregnant women should be
paid attention to quality than quantity. Of course, the demand about energy of
mothers will increase about 300kcal/day. Many women take for eating double for
both mothers and babies.

If mothers provide
enough substances, babies will become more intelligent.
Eating like that will cause obesity. It can affect
positively to pregnancy and it can also cause difficulty in giving birth. The
most important nutritious compound for fetus is protein that is necessary for
development of fetus. From the 4th month, demand about protein will
increase more with 70-90grams/day including meat, fish, egg, milk some kinds of
vegetation protein such as soybeans, peanut.
The amount of powder has to be sufficient rate that cannot
cause obesity or tooth decay for babies in the future. The best source of powder
is brown rice. In daily portion, you need to increase the amount of green
vegetables and fruits. In 6 last months of pregnancy, you should eat about
500grams of vegetables every day.
Pregnant women should maintain diet with 4-5 meals whose
distance is 3 hours to ensure regular nutritious source that provides fetus.
Providing pregnant women with water plays extremely important
role. Water has function to protect eyes, brain, fetus and marrow. Water for
demand of pregnant women is 2-2.5 liters (in summer this rate is higher).
Drinking less water in a long time can cause constipation and urinary
inflammation and kidney stone…
Add folic acid (vitamin B9)
It’s very necessary for development of fetus. To help
vitamin B9 prove its effect, you need to drink before being pregnant. However,
many women don’t know when they are pregnant, so the best way is that after
each time of sexual relation, you should provide body with this vitamin.
Lacking folic acid can cause congenital anomaly about
backbone and brain for fetus, makes placenta not big enough and causes
harmfulness to fetus. Lacking folic acid can also cause miscarriage and insufficient
weight of babies.
Human beings’ body cannot synthesize folic acid by
themselves. So you must provide form natural source. Natural form of folic acid
is available in foods, mainly in cabbage, broccoli, salad, beans, liver of
animals, kinds of meat.

Natural form of
folic acid is available in foods, mainly in cabbage, broccoli, salad,…
In many countries of Europe, according to stipulation, women
that are in child-bearing age should drink 0.4 mg of vitamin B9.