You should prepare to welcome the most
anxious event in the second quarter of pregnancy: Fetus begins to move in your
These 3 months are surely the period that
you are the healthiest and have activities most. You should prepare to welcome
the most anxious event. Fetus will begin to move in your womb. The unpleasant
feeling and morning sickness in the first 3 months will disappear.

this period, the unpleasant feeling and morning sickness in the first 3 months
will disappear.
At present, you will feel healthy and
pleasant. You are brim over with strength to be ready to do the big things such
as completing PhD thesis, helping staff to write the report at the end of year,
or receiving the delicious dishes. You should be comfortable to do and you
shouldn’t be fearful anything. Don’t forget to turn melodious songs to listen
to while you are working. Psychologists affirmed that listening to classical
music will help you relax easily and have the comfortable and happy feeling.
Knowledge about health
This disease connects closely with the beginning
in operating of placenta. To the 4th month, placenta begins to
produce the hormones to prevent insulin to break into body Therefore, the
amount of sugar in body will increase, it will cause the disorder of the
metabolism. You need to test blood regularly to control the situation.
It often takes place when bowel is weak. To
prevent constipation, you need to eat a lot of fiber and drink enough water.

prevent constipation, you need to eat a lot of fiber and drink enough water.
It is also called German measles. Virus
causes this disease following salivary gland in air. This disease is dangerous
to fetus. If you don’t catch this disease, in pregnancy you should avoid
contacting with people that catch this disease.
Although doctors considered that not all
contacts can make you catch disease; however, you should be more careful.
Virus Listeria monocytogenes causes this
disease. Virus can break into mucous membrane of bowel and this thing is
dangerous because it can cause premature birth. You shouldn’t eat the kinds of
uncooked meat and undercooked meat, wash vegetables and fruits carefully before
because of Candila fungus
Future mothers often catch this disease. In
pregnancy, the environment in vagina changes, so it makes Candila fungus have
chance to grow. To prevent disease, you should make hygiene for the enclosed
area and you shouldn’t wear wet clothes.
Your feeling
about the 7th week
Uterus will have form of sphere. Your womb
will blow above more than breadth. Sometimes you will feel backache, especially
when you sit or when you stand or sit in a long time with a posture.
about 19th week
You will feel that baby begins to move.
the 20th week
Your uterus will increase about 1cm each
week. Doctor will measure the size of your uterus when you test fetus
periodically. You remember to test pregnancy regularly and do the necessary
Note: If
your uterus is high with over 28cm, you should have an ultrasound scan because
maybe you twin.
the 22nd week
The amount of red blood cells will reduce
naturally with the maximum level. When pregnant women’s health is normal, the
amount of red blood cells will return to the normal level.
Advice for pregnant women
Go to
check teeth
In pregnancy, pregnant women’s gums will
become more sensitive. However, from the 13th week, you can cure
teeth. You need to inform doctor that you are becoming pregnant.
the first months of pregnancy
Stretching marks of skin can appear in
breast and after that you will gain weight, skin in rump and belly also stretch
and as a result, it creates the white marks. After giving birth, it’s difficult
for these marks to disappear completely, so you can prevent by rubbing cream.
the state of backache
You should exercise positively, especially
swimming. You can use belt to lift womb that is used for pregnant women. You
should lie on your side and use warm blanket to make painful back warm. You can
ask your husband to massage smoothly along the backbone. This is a good way to
reduce pain.
your husband to talk with baby
From 20th week, fetus knows to
In pregnancy, in some nights, you have
heavy dreams. To avoid negative emotions, you should turn the melodious songs and
drink a cup of milk that is mixed with honey before going to bed.

women should drink a cup of milk that is mixed with honey before going to bed.