You should apply the following ways to have the most healthy
and beautiful body.
What is the secret to improve the speed of metabolism in
body without physical activity?
The weather in winter is cold, so you are afraid of activities
or doing exercise. So, how can you improve metabolism in body effectively?
Eat little chocolate
According to the research of California University, people
detect that those who often eat chocolate will have lower body index. In
reality, every week, if you eat 5 parts of chocolate, your body’s weight will
be lower 5-7kg than people that are on diet. Researchers explain that
polyphenols that is founded in cacao can improve the function of transforming
chemical in body. You should eat a given amount of chocolate and shouldn’t eat
too much in day to control source of calories form chocolate and ensure to
stimulate transforming process.
Drink or sip something
A nutritious expert in Los Angeles said that:” When body
loses water, the operating function of body will be slow and metabolism can be
stopped. That is the reason why you should satisfy your thirst”. 8 glasses of
water in a day can help you burn 100calories. It is more than the amount of
calories of people that drink 4 glasses or fewer. Any drinks that don’t contain
alcohol and stimulant are useful for your energy metabolism.

Drinking enough
water in a day is the way to help body be always healthy.
Reduce 20 of room temperature
Dr. Scott Isaacs endocrine in Atlanta said: “When you are in
colder environment, your body must work, and as a result, the amount of
calories will transform more to create temperature and keep body warm. People
that are in cold room will improve the amount of calories burnt to 80%”.
However, you aren’t forced to suffer an environment that is too cold. You can
reduce room temperature about 20 to burn 100 calories every day”.
A research in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
magazine shows that Sleep that is fewer than 7-9 hours will make your
metabolism about 5% in the next day. Losing sleep causes change of popular
hormones and increases the amount of hormone ghrelin that stimulates craving
for food in body and metabolism. Sleeping early and having enough sleep will
help the body work more effectively in the next day, improve mood and the whole
system of organs.

Sleeping less than
8 hours a day will make metabolism slow and harmfulness to body.