In the 25th week, the fetus
weighs about 700g and has 22cm long from top of head to buttocks.

25-week fetus is equal to cauliflower.
Overall development
The 25-week fetus is much more
heavy and taller than before. The amniotic sac is more and more tight and that
is a reason why baby kicks its mother more. Taste of baby have formed and
developed, it knows how to distinguish food taste, and its body is relatively
If for any reason that mother gets
premature at this week, thanks to modern facilities, baby will have many
opportunities to live independently and healthily without risk.
The skin of a 25-week fetus has begun
stretching, not as wrinkled as before. The reason is that mother’s weight is
adjusted, which leads to the increase of baby’s weight. In this week, hair
color and format of the baby is also identified; however, everything will be
really accurate after birth.
The 25-week fetus has known how to
distinguish flavors by its taste is formed. Pregnant women can be surprised but
from this week, baby begins growing the first tooth and continues this process
until born.
Fetal size
In the 25th week, if compared,
the fetus is equal to cauliflower; it weighs about 700g and is about 22cm long
from top of head to buttock.

that time, baby is about 22cm long.
Mother’s symptoms
The common symptom of pregnant women in
this stage is constipation. So they should note to eat much high fiber foods.
Haemorrhoids appear due to pressure of baby
on pregnant women’s digestive tract.
Body pain
Difficult to sleep
Things that must be done
Take antenatal care periodically following
doctor’s appointment.
Remember the schedule of sugar blood test
from week 24 to week 28.
Good things to do
Buy pregnant headphone and choose suitable
music for your baby.
Choose birthplace.
Take photographs to memorize pregnant
Prepare the budget for shopping and
welcoming your baby.