Definitely, no pregnant women want to be in
difficult childbirth. So, how prevents that problem?

to prevent difficult childbirth
According to the statistics of researchers,
there are up to 5% cases of difficult birth every year, and pregnant women who
drop in this condition unluckily will face with many risks. Let find out
reasons of difficult childbirth.
Reasons of difficult births
is too narrow and not proportionate to baby’s head
If pelvis is narrow but baby is small,
women still take vaginal delivery. Contrarily, a normal pelvis but baby is too
big to go through that means the baby’s head and pelvis is not proportionate. Pregnant
women should note to take ultrasound before birth to decide if they have
caesarean delivery or not.
generant but strong ligament
Generant includes neck of uterus, vagina, and area outside vagina. Weak generant and strong ligament make time for
birth longer, neck of uterus open slowly. For overcoming this situation, now there
is medicine softening the neck of uterus.

are many reasons causing difficult birth in pregnant women.
Uterus contracts weakly
Force for pushing fetus outside too feeble means uterus contract
weakly. Someone is weak at the beginning of labor, and some weakens in process
of birth. Those who are weakened during labor can be due to long time of birth,
wrong method of contract muscles and screaming too much that leads to fatigue.
This case is usually in old pregnant women who bear in the first time.
You can take medicine that excites
contractions of uterus in order that the body can take a rest, and continue
when getting better. But if this situation is more serious, must operate to
pick up baby out.
head turns unusually
When baby goes through narrow hip bone, it
both turns and moves down to go out. If this process is not convenient like
that, called baby’s head turns unusually. When pregnant women are in this
situation, they should follow instructions of doctor.
position is extraordinary
Strange position of baby that causes
difficult birth is two legs are horizontal, two legs go out first, or baby
turns its face upward. After breaking amnion, cutting navel string, slow birth
is dangerous for live.
You can use ultrasound to diagnostic in
pregnant time. To not occur unusual things while birth, pregnant women should
take caesarean delivery.
Early slough placenta
Early slough placenta off can totally avoid if taking
ultrasound before birth. When being in this symptom, if baby is not brought out
in time, its life will be damaged by lack of oxygen. Furthermore, bleeding too
much also is risky for pregnant women. If pregnant women find out early bong
placenta, they must be operated immediately to ensure lives and health of both mother
and baby.
amnion early
If break amnion before birth, uterus will
difficult to open, the fetus cannot go through generant
conveniently leading to difficult birth. Most of the case of breaking amnion
early can still take vaginal delivery.
Moreover, preganant women who have heart
disease and kidney disease are easy to be difficult birth, so need to watch for
strictly spirit and health of them to ensure safe when

regularly helps pregnant women prevent difficult childbirth.
How to prevent difficult birth?
out system of birth before delivery
Pregnant women need to inspect regularly
during whole pregnancy. At the end of pregnancy, need to estimate hip-bone to
see if breadth opens safety for both mother and baby. 2 weeks before birth,
pregnant women should go to hospital to decide birth method vaginal delivery or
caesarean delivery.
spirit and physical strength well
Before delivery, women need providing enough nutrients, move reasonably, prevent diseases. To
strengthen spirit and physical, remain comfortable feeling, pregnant women
should eat foods that easy to digest.
Equip knowledge
Pregnant women should equip themselves
knowledge on birth. And birth is natural phenomenon, so you only pay attention
to follow correctly the instructions of doctor, pregnancy will take place
conveniently. Besides, during labor, you also know how to cooperate closely
with doctor in order that your birth is easier.
keep a good mood
You should not be too worried about your
birth, and always positive and full of hope about your coming baby.