At the later of pregnancy, you will have to
sustain pain, spasms. However, some problem can come early in the first quarter
of pregnancy.

spasm with lots of blood is dangerous symptoms.
Spasm is a common phenomenon when you pass
the first quarter of pregnancy. Sometimes spasm is gently as when you are in
periods; and it is different at one point, it comes frequently every day during
the first months of pregnancy.
In many pregnant women, spasms go with a
little light blood in their underwear during the first few months. When spasms
are not too gentle, they cause a lot of discomfort. Most of them are normal in
the first quarter but in some cases, they express larger problems. If spasm can
tolerate, be light and not bother, you do not need to visit doctor. But if they
are too painful to tolerate, you should take antenatal care.
There are some reasons why you are being
contracted in the first quarter as follows:
- Fluctuations of digestive system such as constipation
and flatulence. These phenomena are caused by the continuous changes of
levels of hormones in pregnant women’s bodies.

in the first quarter is normal if it is light pain.
- Pregnant women who have serious morning
sickness lead to constructions of all abdominal area when affected by
- Stretching of abdominal area and pelvic
muscles. The stretching can lead to the lack of sleep, change habits and
- Increase of progesterone hormone.
If you experience light spasm in the first quarter, maybe it is due to these above reasons. However, if your contributions are abnormal, frequent
and painful, you should go and see doctor as soon as possible.
The spasm goes with lots of blood and pain,
let think of worse condition. That may be the signs of miscarriage.
Finally, gentle and frequent spasms are the
experience that you need to go through during pregnancy; you do not have to
take any medication. You can use simple method to reduce pain such as hot compresses,
reasonable rest.