The followings are 8 foods that are natural
and safe for pregnant women as well as increase breast milk secretions.
Breast milk is considered to be the perfect
nutritional source for babies. In breast milk, there are almost the necessary
nutrients for infants in their first months of life. Breast milk is also a
stable foundation for children to develop well in the next months. The milk
contains minerals that formula milk can’t compete with; the nutrients will help
children to improve their resistances and be healthy always. There’ll be
disadvantages for children who are fed with breast milk for the least 6 first
months after birth. Breast milk is important to infants, though; not every
woman has it and in the situation, they often ask for helps of grains that
support breast milk productions. In fact, the grains can’t replace natural
foods. Only a sensible diet can meet the need of pregnant women in secreting
breast milk. So, the grains can’t be the utter solution for you. The followings
are some tips about natural and safe foods that can increase breast milk.
Green papaya

green papayas, there’s lots of protein, fats, vitamin A, B, C, D, E…
Green papayas and trotter stew is a
traditional foods and widely used. The stew not only helps increase breast
milk, but also improves low quality breast milk. In green papayas, there’s lots
of protein, fats, vitamin A, B, C, D, E… that can improve breast milk
secretions. You can also replace the trotters with carp or snakehead fish to
receive similar benefits.

Chinese medicine believes that the figs has sweet and sour flavors, a cool
nature and the abilities to increase breast milk.
According to recent researches, every 100g
of fig contains 1g protein, 0.4g fat, 12.6g sugar, 49mg calcium, 23mg
phosphorus, 0.4mg iron, 0.05 mg carotene which are necessary to women in
effectively producing milk. The Chinese medicine believes that the figs has
sweet and sour flavors, a cool nature and the abilities to increase breast
milk, clean blood vessels, bring diuretic effects, treat inflammations and

contents of calcium, vitamin A, B2, C, E in seaweed are at times higher than
other fruit’s.
Seaweed is considered to be one of
traditional Japanese-Korean foods that are good for human and rich in
nutrients. That’s because it has a great content of vegetarian protein,
minerals, trace elements and vitamins which are necessary for the body,
especially the iodine which is essential to the thyroid.
The contents of calcium, vitamin A, B2, C,
E in seaweed are at times higher than other fruit’s. A part from increasing
breast milk, seaweed is also good for infant developments.
Spirulina sun alga

spirulina sun alga is produced by Earthrise LLC, American.
The World Health Organization recognize sun
alga as the 21st century healthiest food for human.
In alga, there’re over 100 necessary
micro-nutrients for the body. The protein in alga is made up of 60-70%
digestive vegetarian protein which is the combination of 18 amino acids in
which there’re 8 amino acids that the body can’t produce but receive from
The contents of vitamin A, K, E, B group…
and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc… in the alga are at high
levels and balanced. Those are necessary to women for producing breast milk,
able to increase the resistance and prevent anemia. According to researches,
scientists claimed that the amount of protein in alga is 1.5 times as high as
milk’s; 5 times as high as egg; the amount of β-carotene in 15 times as high as
carrots. Its level of iron is 25 times as high as spinach. For that reason, Spirulina
sun alga is a priceless gift from nature. Not only that, the GLA (omega-6) in
alga is the natural unsaturated fat that is also found in breast milk and some
seeds. The nutrient is not only able to increase breast milk and the quality of
it, but also able to protect the heart and increase resistance for fetuses. Absorbing
12 pills of Spirulina alga a day can bring you an abundance source of breast
milk. It also betters your milk.
Large banana

is a nutritious food for women after pregnancy.
Banana is a nutritious food for women after
pregnancy. In banana, there’s a lot of vitamin A, C, D, E, B1, B12, B6 and
necessary micro-nutrients like calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron
which can increase breast milk, prevent constipation and bring diuretic

can have your milk and the quality of the milk increased by eating jute.
In the first week after pregnancy, if you
eat 150-200g jute a day in main meals and 200-250g jute in the next 2 week, you
can have your milk and the quality of the milk increased.

recommended that you should have 15-20g raw pumpkin seed twice a day: once in
the morning and the other time in the evening.
According to the folk, pumpkin seeds have
the ability to increase milk for women after pregnancy. It’s recommended that
you should have 15-20g raw pumpkin seed twice a day: once in the morning and
the other time in the evening. Direction: remove the cover of the seed, crush
the seed and combine it with water. You should drink it in 3-5 days
continuingly to receive effects.
Sweet-potato leaves

sweet-potato leaves daily can increase breast milk.
Eating sweet-potato leaves daily can
increase breast milk and bring benefits to women after pregnancy.