Yoga is a wonderful remedy for people that have arrhythmia.

Yoga is a wonderful remedy for people that have
According to the research of American scientists, yoga is a
wonderful remedy.
The group of experts of Kansas Medicine University (America)
carried out researching 49 people having vibration of eardrum. They showed that
ventricle often beat without arrhythmia; it also pulsated quickly and
unusually. As a result, the amount of blood that is pumped into ventricle isn’t
In the first 3 months, people that were taken part in
research were monitored about blood pressure, heart rate and symptoms of heart
as well as spirit health. In the second period, they were attended a yoga class
twice a week. In addition, they were also monitored about health state.
Through result, yoga can ease nerve system, and reduce blood
pressure and heart rate. After 3 month attending yoga classes, patients begin
to have fewer symptoms than the time before practicing. Mr. Dhanunjaya
Lakkireddy, director of research, shows that to prove effect of yoga, patients
need to practice this sport regularly, not in a short time.
However, experts carefully consider that although this
result is hopeful, it is needed to be studied more.
Notes for those who have heart disease in practicing yoga:
You shouldn’t put your head at the position that is lower than
heart if you have high blood pressure, have problem with heart, glaucoma,
detachment of retina.
If you have high blood pressure or heart disease, you should keep
standing posture strongly or lie on your front in a short time. Moreover, with
high blood pressure, you should put 2 arms under head.
If you have low blood pressure, you should escape from
upside-down posture slowly.

You need to pay
attention that to have real effect; you have to be patient to practice.