Life with your New Baby : 2nd Week: Day 13 Feeling close |
It’s inevitable that your baby will be exposed to viruses and some believe this reduces the risk of allergies later on. However, small babies can be quite sick with a cold so try to avoid people with colds at first. Breast-feeding provides protection against viruses. |
Life with your New Baby : 2nd Week: Day 12 Looking back |
Many newborn babies wake up with sticky eyes. This is due to a temporary blockage of the tear ducts, which are tiny in newborn babies. Clear his eye by wiping it with a cotton pad soaked in cooled, boiled water, using a fresh piece for each wipe. |
Life with your New Baby : 2nd Week: Day 8 Healthy living |
Whether you’re breast-feeding or bottle-feeding can have an effect on your baby’s stools. The stools of breast-fed babies tend to be slightly runnier and can have a fairly sweet aroma, while bottle-fed babies may have firmer, stronger smelling stools. |
Planning with Kids : Meals - Essential kitchen appliances |
There are many small appliances and storage containers you can buy for the kitchen that are supposed to make life easier when it comes to preparing meals. You probably don’t need half of them, and it can be difficult to find somewhere to store the bulky appliances. |
Some Like It Hot |
Chilli peppers have been used medicinally for centuries. In lab and animal studies, they have shown anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and blood-pressure-lowering properties. |
Mexican food: It's A Wrap |
To build the enchiladas, you will need to create an assembly line consisting of a plate you’ll microwave tortillas or chapatti on, a sauté pan used for heating the sauce, and the bowl containing the shredded chicken and onion. |
Tasty soup for babies to eat better |
In weaning babies, in addition to choosing nutritional foods, moms need to change food frequently so that their babies will not be tired of it and can eat more tastily. Learn how to process some kinds of soup to make baby’s menu more diversified. |
Pip banana prevents and cures gastric ulcer |
Cut a green pip banana into thin slabs, dry it, cook until it gets yellow, and drink it. Take 30-50g each time and drink when you get full. It is possible to use grinded pip banana under tisane to drink every day. |
10 good foods for brainworkers |
Vitamins and nutrients in beet, egg, lard, and so on help protect neurons effectively and slow down brain’s ageing process. |
Toy affecting kids' characters |
Evidence shows that talcum powder contains ingredients and chemicals that cause problems for babies’ respiratory system and even make them contract dangerous pulmonary disease if using talcum powder in a long time and in wrong way. |
Talcum powder can cause pneumonia |
Evidence shows that talcum powder contains ingredients and chemicals that cause problems for babies’ respiratory system and even make them contract dangerous pulmonary disease if using talcum powder in a long time and in wrong way. |
How to make babies be obedient at the age of 2? |
Babies need to brush teeth at least 2 times a day. Anyway, we have to recognize that this is easier to say than do. When your children are 5 years old, they have not really wanted to cooperate (or have not patient enough) to do this themselves. However, you can try some interesting ways as follows: |
Gold skills of 7-to-12-month-old babies |
At 7 to 12 months old, babies’ awareness and skills are much more developed. They soon have joyful, sad feelings, and show love to their parents. They smiles satisfactorily when getting favorite things or are afraid of strange people and being away from parents. |
Gold skills of 1-to-6-month-old babies |
At 1 to 6 months old, babies totally feel strange and have not had any notion about the world around them. Therefore, this is the hardest stage in parents’ caring and bringing up their children. |
Does supine sleeping cause baby's flat head (plagiocephaly)? |
Newborn babies have soft skull that bends easily. If they spend too much time lying supine with their heads at the same place, they will be more likely to flat the head part that contacts with cushion. This state is called plagiocephaly symptom. |
5 things to avoid when teaching male kids |
There is a fact that parents usually have higher hope in male kids than female kids, so the pressure the former have to put up with is also 2 or 3 times as much as that of the latter. |
4-month-old babies: Germinating little talents |
A newborn baby’s brain has 100 billions of cells. These cells will be connected into a grid as a mature brain. Before the age of 3, babies’ brains will form about 1 million billion of connections. These connections are built based on babies’ hobbies, discoveries, and process they have learnt from the world around. |
1-month-old babies: strange marks on skin |
Some babies may have blushing skin, some have reddish skin, and some may have some spots on skin. Most babies’ skin is wrinkle and has some crust. A few hours after being born, babies’ hands and feet may be rather pale due to their imperfect circulatory system. |
Life with your New Baby : 1st Week: Day 5 Baby blues |
If you had a cesarean and your baby is healthy, he’ll likely come home from the hospital with you today, after passing his final in-hospital pediatric exam. Make sure you have the correct car seat for him, and pack a blanket or two to keep him warm. |
Food For Free (Part 3) - Create your own foraged feast |
The 1930 fruit gourmer Edward Bunyan, meandering through his gooseberry patch and plicking the odd serendipitous berry, spoke of the pleasures of “ambulant consumption… the freedom of the bush should be given to all visitors”. |
Food For Free (Part 2) - A highbrow hobby, Foodie Fads |
In the 19th century, the fungus foray was pioneered by Herefordshire’s Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Cluc, a band of leisure-rich amateurs (including a high proportion of clergymen) at the cutting edge of the Victorian interest in natural history and ruralism. |
Food For Free (Part 1) - Wild dining |
I would never go back to my old habits. I have transformed myself into a healthy, active woman and feel so much better for it. I was so thrilled with my wedding photos, I have has one blown up to hang in our living room- it is a daily reminder that I am capable of anything once I put my minds to it. |
Veggie Risotto Cakes |
When the risotto is 2min away from being ready, stir in the asparagus, peas, lemon zest and spinach. When rice is tender, check the seasoning and empty on to a large clean tray. Flatten mixture (this will help rice to cool quickly) and leave to cool completely. |