Flu Shot Excuses-Busted |
A new survey shows that only 46 percent of Americans intend to get the vaccine this season. Here’s a look at some common cop-outs-and why it’s time to change your thinking. |
Comparison Between Normal Delivery And Caesarean (Part 2) |
Caesarean is a savior for pregnant women and fetuses having unusual problem such as the unfavorable position of the fetal head, having dangerous defects such as heart diseases, kidney diseases, placenta praevia… With this method, pregnant women don’t have to waste their strength and don’t have to stand the labor pain; they will be completely of sound mind during the caesarean. |
Tone And Stretch Your Waist |
This graceful move will help lengthen and strengthen your lateral oblique, the muscles that help form your waistline. In everyday life, the lateral oblique are rarely worked, which leads to those tell-tale ‘love handles’ around your midsection. Using the ball makes this move more challenging, as the constant wobble will work your abs and the stabilizing muscles In your shoulders that much harder. |
Burn It Up |
Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your legs. Hinge forward from the waist with a slight bend in your legs so your arms are hanging down towards the ground. |
Join The Resistance |
Improve your striding form – and boost your all-round fitness – with these conditioning workouts designed to match your running goals |
Pregnancy Week by Week : Week 38 (part 2) |
You may not feel much like eating now, but it’s important to eat healthfully. Snacks might be the answer—eat small snacks throughout the day to keep your energy levels up and to help avoid heartburn. You may also be tired of the foods you’ve been eating. |
How To Have Shapely Legs |
Just because you can’t see them in the mirror, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work your hamstrings. They’re the muscles that help protect your knees (along with your quads, they help your knee absorb shock). They also shape your entire lower body, so you look great from behind as well as in front’ |
Cholesterol Control Tips |
Are you tired of the egg diet, or to limit eating shrimp? If you are avoiding foods because of their high cholesterol, you may need to rethink your strategy. |
Appropriate Diet To Control Or Reduce Cholesterol |
Cholesterol is a substance produced naturally by the body. There are two types of cholesterol: HDL, known as good cholesterol, and LDL, often called bad cholesterol. High cholesterol levels in the body can cause serious problems. One way to lower cholesterol is through diet. |
Ten Misconceptions About Cholesterol You May Not Know |
While genetics plays an important role, selecting a diet has a significant impact on cholesterol level. If your family has high cholesterol genetic factors, you must take preventive steps and more active to keep your cholesterol level in normal. |
10 Ways To Stick To Your Diet On Vacation |
Maintaining a diet is always easier if you can control completely the cooking. But holidays do not mean your diet go away. There are many ways to keep your calories under control while you’re away from home, but you may have to make some changes when you can’t cook by yourself. |
How To Lose 15 Pounds In 3 Days |
We almost can’t lose 15 pounds in just 3 days – and if you do, it’ll not be a permanent weight loss but water weight. However, if you are retaining a significant amount of water and are willing to adhere to strict diet, you can lose weight more quickly - although it may not be up to 15 pounds. You can regain all of the water weight for non-compliance with your diet. |
7 Shocking Ways To Lose Weight |
Researchers from Arizona State University and Erasmus Rotterdam have found that when you eat in front of a mirror, you will digest slower and eat less than usual. In their experiments, researchers placed a mirror in front of participants and what they found was that: those who ate in front of a mirror tended to consume less food than those who don’t. |
Bye, Belly Flab – Get Your Body Back |
The thought of doing a million crunches to get rid of your post-baby "pooch" sounds pretty boring, right? As luck would have it, you don’t need to, because crunches are as ineffective as they are dull for toning your abs muscles. |
Discover Interesting Things In 40 Weeks Of Pregnancy (Part 3) |
In the 3rd term of pregnancy, though you can feel more tired and the body is heavier, you and your fetuses have been through 2 thirds of the path. Soon you family will be glad to welcome a new dear member. In the remained one thirds, there’re changes that cause discomfort to pregnant women. |
Discover Interesting Things In 40 Weeks Of Pregnancy (Part 1) |
Getting pregnant and having babies are ones of the most marvelous and sacred things of the nature. In 9 months and 10 days of pregnancy, women’s bodies have to change to adjust the pregnancy and foster fetuses. Even the fetuses experience different developments to prepare for the due day. |
Healthy Menu For Pregnant Women Who Are Vegetarians |
Eating sensibly during pregnancy helps pregnant women to maintain the best supplement of vitamins and minerals for fetal best developments. Therein, the main food groups such as meat, fish, seafood… have plenty of iron, protein, vitamin B12, calcium… which are necessary for fetal developments. |
Signs That Pregnant Women Should Take Notice Of |
Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous complication that the embryo nestling outside the uterus. In most cases, ectopic pregnancy can’t stand for long. Moreover, pregnant women can be endangered by the pregnancy as the hemorrhage is a complication able to threaten the life of them. |
Pregnancy Week by Week : Week 32 (part 2) |
If you’re expecting more than one baby, your nutrition and weight gain are very important during pregnancy. Food is your best source for nutrients, but keep taking your prenatal vitamin every day. The vitamins and iron in prenatal vitamins are still essential to your well-being and the well-being of your baby or babies. |