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Can You Father A Baby? (Part 1)
Time was when reproduction, child bearing, child rearing even the sex of the baby – were squarely, unfairly considered a women’s prerogative. A childless woman was called barren and cast away, while the man went his merry way.
Staying Cool And Avoiding Seasonal Woes (Part 1)
Most people think of winter as the “sick season,” but summer’s seasonal woes can, at best leave you limp with fatigue and at worst, in the hospital battling sunstroke. But with some simple precautions, you can stay safe this summer.
Staying Cool And Avoiding Seasonal Woes (Part 2)
Sun exposure causes tanning, premature aging and wrinkling of your skin, warns Dr. Satish Bhatia Dermatologist & Dermatosurgeon, Dermatology Fellowship (Israel), attached to Indian Cancer Society. Sunlight contains two forms of ultraviolet energy, UVA and UVB. Use a sunscreen that will protect you from both.
6 Kinds Of Extremely Cool Water That You Should Use In The Summer
In summer, the weather is hot, so the demand to provide water for body is very big. Drinking enough pure water is good; however, it’s more wonderful if there is a kind of drink that can help slake your thirst, provide enough water, regulate the functions of vital organs, make body cool and provide nutrients for body.
Tips That Help You Save Money In Pregnancy
When you become pregnant, your expense will increase; however, your income is limited more because you have to take a rest. To save money to buy milk for your children, you should avoid unnecessary items.
Ways To Have 40 Safe Weeks Of Pregnancy
If you haven’t taken vitamin in addition, it’s time you did so. Provide yourself with 400mg folic acid a day (600mg to pregnant women).
When Should You Have The Second Child?
The first thing that you and your husband need to calculate is the distance of the first time of giving birth and the second time. Researchers considered that women should have the distance about 2-3 years between 2 times of giving birth. This is necessary time for women to restore their health and reduce stress after the time being in labor and bringing up children hardly.
Sneaky Stay-Slim Secrets
Swimming laps while your friends sunbathe isn’t very sociable, but you don’t have to tank up and down for hours to get a calorie-blasting blitz. ‘Water provides around 12 times the resistance we get on land, leaning it takes more effort and burns more calories, but has less impact on your joints’, explains personal trainer James Osborn.
9 Ways For Pregnant Women To Make Fetuses Happy
In pregnancy, fetuses and pregnant women can understand each other not only by the metabolism, but also pregnant women’s mood changing. Therefore, that pregnant women have good tempers will have positive effects on fetuses, and the temper of fetuses can affect pregnant women, too.
10 Things That Need To Be Done In The Second Quarter Of Pregnancy
In this time, baby will be stable in your belly, so women are often subjective and they don’t pay attention to womb a lot. However, you shouldn’t be vacant to some things in this period!
How To Avoid Obesity When Being Pregnant
According to the latest research, there’re over 30% women who are overweight in pregnancy. Women who are overweight before pregnancy or increase too much weight during pregnancy, their health can be seriously affected. Obesity can increase the risk of gestational hypertension and diabetes which can lead to pre-eclampsia.
Strange Things Happening In Pregnancy That Pregnant Women Should Know
Being pregnant is a miracle as your body will be completely changed with the little creature inside. Physical and emotional changes are various to every pregnant woman.
Surprising Truths About Fetuses That You May Not Know
At the first moment of the formation, fetuses are human. After 22 days of pregnancy, fetuses have heartbeat and in a few weeks later, they have tiny human-like shapes.
The Reasons Why You Should Give Birth Successively
To women who have to quit job to stay at home and take care of their children, having another child in 18-24 months later will help them save time and get back to work soon.
Misunderstandings About The Effects Of Some Fruits
A part from providing vitamin A, C and other nutrients, fruits can help you prevent many diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and stroke, control blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent some cancers and protect eyesight.
Secrets That Help Lose Weight And Not Gain Weight Again
Losing some kilograms isn’t difficult to people that have the high determination. The thing that makes obese people toss and turn most is the method that can defeat redundant fat and prevent it to come back again.
Secrets That Help You Keep Health In Rainy Season
For example, when you let your head contact with rain-water, head will have the colder temperature than other organs in body, so you can easily catch cold. If the whole body is wet with rain water, the temperature of organs in body will be equal and you won’t catch disease. This thing seems to be strange, but it is the truth.
Bone And Joint Nutrition Needs When The Weather Changes
The break between 2 seasons or sudden changes of weathers can cause pains to joints and disturb more than old people who have joint cataplasia. Simple ways to overcome the situation is to practice sports regularly in order to improve the resistance and provide the body with nutrients that are good for joints.
Discover Ice’s Benefits That Few People Know
Ice doesn’t have refreshment effects; it even harms the body at some levels. However, ice does bring benefits which not many people know.
How Milk Is Made?
Each of your breasts contains mammary glands. These are the organs that produce the milk. The mammary glands consist of alveoli, where the milk is made. They’re small clusters of sacs surrounded by tiny muscles which squeeze them to push milk into the ductile. The ductile are canals that carry the milk into the milk ducts.
How To Protect Your Baby's Budding Bite
By the time your child is 5, more than 30 percent of his classmates will have tooth decay, which can be well advanced even by age 3. "Early preventative care is the key to keeping your baby cavity-free," says Elizabeth A. Shick, D.D.S., M.P.H., assistant professor of pediatric dentistry at the University of Colorado, Denver School of Dental Medicine.
List Of Different Types Of Milk
It’s the first phase of mom’s milk produced in late pregnancy and contains antibodies to protect your newborn against disease. It’s lower in fat and higher in protein than breast milk.
Walking Papers - Get Your Body Back Into Pre-Pregnancy Shape
To get back into pre-pregnancy shape, you need a workout you can stick to. Bounce back safely with our progressive plan. After being completely focused on your pregnancy for nine months, it can be sort of shocking to see just yourself when you look in the mirror after your baby is born.
What Not To Do In The Last Few Weeks Of Pregnancy
You’re going to tire easily at this stage, so plan your day carefully. Avoid extensive shopping trips and decline cocktail evenings and exhibitions where you have to stand for hours in high-heel shoes.
It’s All About Your Teeth
The second trimester signals the start of your baby’s biggest growth period. Although genetic factors that influence her size will only begin to take effect at about 20 weeks, your nutrition and general health are already playing a vital role.
Fertility Falling Pregnant - Struggling To Get Number 2 (Part 2)
Other women get stressed because their family is not working out precisely according to the ideal plan they’d always imagined, fretting over time gaps between children, and how this might effect schooling arrangements, or the closeness of the relationship between siblings.
Fertility Falling Pregnant - Struggling To Get
You’ve started your family, and now you want to expand it or complete it. Your firstborn came along with ease, after nothing more than a romantic dinner with pink champagne and a night of passion, so you assume making your next child will be a similarly lovely and effortless affair.
Can Childbirth Cause PTSD?
It's something soldiers often suffer after being in combat situations: frightening flashbacks and panic attacks due to post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). So when Meeka Centimano experienced similar symptoms after a pretty ordinary birth experience-an 11-hour labor in the hospital before delivering a healthy baby girl vaginally-she didn't understand why.
It's Easy Being Green
From the moment you learned you were pregnant, you began doing everything you could to make your body a healthy place for a growing baby-taking prenatal vitamins, avoiding alcohol, drinking plenty of water. But each day we encounter an alphabet soup of environmental contaminants.
Tips That Help Educate Babies When They Are Still The Womb (Part 1)
The fetal educating method are getting more and more, such as educating methods based on senses, caress, nice pictures, mother’s movements… therein, the most popular and effective one is sound education. However, there’s not so many pregnant women having adequate knowledge about it, which bring bad result on both mother and child.
Tips To Keep The Appetite In The Summer
At the same time, children tend to have diseases that relate to eating, such as diarrhea, poisoning, encephalitis, dengue fever, hand, foot and mouth disease… So, what’s the right diet that can prevent diseases?
Tips That Help Pregnant Women Have Good Shape
If you’re too fat, you’ll have to face with lots of health issues, such as diabetes and hypertension. Most obese pregnant women need to have caesarean and their fetuses tend to have earlier birth than usual.
Useful Tips That Help Pregnant Women To Prevent Miscarriage
According to estimates, one out of five pregnant women has miscarriage around their 3 first months of pregnancy. However, you can minimize the risk of miscarriage if you have better knowledge about the reason of it.
101 Breastfeeding - Easy Tips for Getting Started
Mom’s milk is nutritious way beyond the first year. At some point your little one will need nutrition from other sources, but your milk remains a valuable contribution to his diet.
3 Small Steps Relieve Your Neck Pain
Seemingly harmless daily habits can do a number on your neck muscles. Here, sneaky reasons for the ache and how to stop it.
The Best Medicine - What’s Best For Your Situation
Feeling sick? Used to be that you’d dial your doctor (or go straight to the ER). Now, there are more options. Scan this chart to decide what’s best for your situation.
Tips That Help Office Worker Avoid Backache
You might have a feeling of fear which is very much similar to the fear of watching a horror movie when sitting in front of the desk as your computer make you stressed, make your eye dizzy and your back hurt…
Tips That Help You Buy Clothes For Newborn Babies
The skin of babies is still young and pretty sensitive, so you should choose clothes that neither cause bad effects on their skin nor health. We’re pleased to share you some tips below.
Does Ultrasound Tests Do Any Harm To Fetuses?
When should pregnant women take ultrasound tests? What is ultrasound test for?... That are all the questions that pregnant women really want to know the answers.
Keep Away From Factors That Cause Fetal Defects
To pregnant women who have high fevers in the early pregnancy, their newborns will have no sign of defects but, the newborns still need long-term observation. When pregnant women have high fevers, fetal brain cells will be affected; fetuses will have a decrease of nervous cell number, which leads to intellectual disability.
Unexpected Problems When Pregnant Women Eat Much Without Doing Exercise
The happiness when knowing you’re pregnant will always come with a responsibility of being a mother. Getting pregnant means you have to take more care of your diet in order to make sure the health of mother and child. However, absorbing a great amount of nutrients also bring harmful effects if pregnant women don’t exercise much.
Stock Up On Everyday Items To Feel Better All Season
Treating summer ailments doesn’t have to be expensive – or complicated. Stock up on everyday items to feel better all season.
5 Mistakes That Disable Exercise Effects
Letting the stomach be empty while doing exercise is the biggest mistake that women often make. Because many women think that eating before doing exercise will disable the exercise effects, they decide to fast before going to the gym and hope that it’ll help them burn more calories.
Dangerous Diseases That Are Shown On Feet
Soft skin and walking on the beach with long slim legs in summer on sunset are dreams of many women. However, to make those dreams come true, you need to have deep knowledge about diseases relating to feet and prevent them.
Drinking Coffee In A Right Way Can Help Prevent Cancer
As caffeine in coffee can stimulate the central nervous system of the brain, help people be sound of mind, refresh the brain and improve work effectiveness. All are the reasons why many office workers can’t live without coffee.
Habits That You Should Remember To Have Good Health
Pick up the phone after 5 second ringing. These 5 short seconds can decrease the electromagnetic radiation’s effects on the brain. When picking up the phone right after it rings, the signaling system isn’t ready yet and has the most power of electromagnetic radiation. At that time, if you hold the phone near your ear, the radiation will affect the brain.
Unexpected Benefits You Can Get From Nude Sleeps
To many people, nude sleeps seems to be difficult to be accepted. In fact, it can be very helpful to physical and spiritual health. Nude sleeps helps your body be relaxed completely.
Fix It With Food! (Part 2)
Most pregnant women actually have lower blood pressure than usual. Your heart is working hard to pump a lot more fluid through your body, and so the pressure drops. The remedy: eat more! Low blood sugar can make you feel dizzy or faint so keep snacking throughout the day to counteract hypoglycemia.
Fix It With Food! (Part 1)
Whether it’s swollen feet or seeing stars, reflux or retching, the tortures your pregnant body inflicts on itself are certainly inventive. Yet most medicines are on the ‘no’ list during pregnancy. So trick your body right back: Many foods contain ingredients that can counteract common pregnancy niggles.
Tips For Preventing or Managing Flu
Keep as healthy as you can by eating well and exercising regularly. A strong immune system is the biggest advantage in warding off flu. Tissue salts to boost the immune system are Organo Number 1, Toxi Loges drops as well as Ferrum phos.
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